We have a series of trips in mind starting with an Autumn trip to the UK. Autumn is my favourite time in the UK. In fact my favourite in comparison to anywhere else in the world! The low pressures mixed up with fairly warm sea and air temperatures gives rie to some of the best kiting experiences I ever had. I really wanted Jalou to venture over from Holland to see exactly what its all about.

Well this week finally gave us some time where we were both free along with Craig from Blue Juice Multimedia. I saw the forecast on Sunday after the tip of from James Cummings in the North East. A big swell was forecasted along with big winds to go alongside. Jalou literally dropped everything and flew over the next morning and we began our road trip in Northumberland. On arrival the waves were pretty big, very messy but a whole lot of adrenaline and fun. We were ready to hit the water on our 7ms. The swell was big, but blown out and we started the road trip with bright sunshine, but walls of white water and onshore wind. It was a great although perhaps a little cold for Jalou's first experience in the UK.

2 days later it was time to head South. We had about as much cold as we could handle and we were off to find pastures new, so how could I resist taking her to the home of my Mum and Dad in Devon, where they would kindly put us up between sessions. We hit my old local beach Bigbury. The wind was westerly and with a big swell fairly hollow on the inside and very menacing. We had cross shore wind from the right - my favourite conditions!! The wind was nuking moreso then ever and we hung on to our scary hats as we tried to make the ocean our own. 20 minutes later we both washed up on the water 'mildly!!??'crapping it to say the least. In one minute we were maxed out on our 5m Naish Torches and the next our kites were falling from the sky. With the waves in full force it didnt make for a pretty sight! Fortunately it is my local beach and the solution was to hit the Challabrough side of the beach. Its on the west side of Burgh island - the reason for the horrendous wind. Burgh Island incidentally is on the short list for dynamiting in my Top 10 of places that should cease to exist.

Jalou wasn't convinced at my optimism, but I was quietely smug that it would work. Its not a normal place to score good conditions, but with well over head high waves and cross on shore wind I had a strong feeling that life would be rosy! And it so was!

The next day the wind was lingering in the west, but slowly and surely pulling out of the country altogether so ahead of schedule we hit Gwithian in Cornwall. The swell was forecasted 11ft and the wind around 20mph, but we rocked up to find almost double. This time in the pouring rain we dragged ourselves out of the van unconvinced of an awesome one only to be proved wrong! The theory that you never regret going out when in doubt shone loud and proud and we stuck on the water until dark riding surfboards in port tac waves. This session was a big step for me as it was the first time where I stuck with the surfboard throughout the session despite feeling out of my depth on many occasion. I think Ive finally broken my mould and ready to give this wave riding malarkee a bit of time and effort!
The pictures are from Chris Willmott a semi local to every beach around the UK! Thank god he didnt have a kite smaller then 7m otherwise we wouldnt have shots of such a cracking day last week.
Tomorrow we are heading to Gwithian again photographer and videographer to hand and we hope to bring you the second of the Candy Coated Diaries in time for Christmas.
Will keep you posted!!
Right on, happy riding!
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